- INCAA support for production (Argentina)



Lives marked by sexual abuse in childhood and by institutions that cover up, deny and declare ecclesiastical crimes to be time-barred. Lives that are rearranged in the search to overcome the trauma: to begin to speak out, to demand justice, to face denials, to organize to sustain the struggle, to cry out. In the present, the survivors link their stories, traversed by the memory of abuse, and try new ways of relating, of seeing the world, of escaping the hierarchies imposed on them in their childhoods.

director mostra cine

Alejandro Rath

Alejandro Rath studied film at Buenos Aires University. He works at film industry as an editor, screenwriter, director and producer. His first film was the "¿Who killed Mariano Ferreyra?" was awarded at the FICIP, and nominated by Argentinean Film Critics Association for the Silver Condor. His second documentary "Manifiesto" was screened at the Doc Lisboa Festival, starring Iván Moschner and Pompeyo Audivert. "Alicia" is his first feature fiction film.